Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Time Flies!

Ten weeks ago I bought my ticket. I was so eager then to get this trip going! I thought it would never come, now look at it - 12 hours from now I'll be in the air somewhere between BHAM & Houston on the first portion (1 of 3) to my trip. I hope I can get wireless somewhere in the air (kidding - I really just laughed out loud to that)... Johnny has told me 2x how to do it - I imagine how mad he'll be if I don't figure it out. So, "IF" I don't figure it out, this may be the last time I have a post until Friday or Saturday. Until then my friends, wish me safe travels & as always, stay classy...


hales said...

Have fuuuuuunnnnn!!!! xoxoxo!

Amber said...

you didn't update on the plane...this is for johnny pants (uugggghhh)

Joe Dentici said...

you all everybody! charlie made an appearance tonight, and he gave ben a private concert.